We have a selection of cams for most engines found in the Ford Ranger & Bronco vehicles. This is a small listing of profiles we can grind for these vehicles. If you want something different we can probably do it.
These cams are ground on new castings or billets in the case of steel roller cams. Where indicated we offer a grind and return service on your good used cam.
These cams are not guaranteed emissions legal although the milder profiles will probably pass. To assure computer compatibility, select the milder profiles.
2.3L OHC L4 1.65 rocker ratio
Part# adv. Dur .050 dur. Valve lift lobe sep.
38-0505 205/205 .410 /. 410 118
38-2020 220/220 .440 /.440 110
2.9L V6 1.47 Rocker Ratio
Part# adv. Dur .050 dur. Valve lift lobe sep.
H39-9802 248/252 198/202 .393/.311 108
H39-0202 252/252 202/202 .411/.411 110
H39-0206 252/256 202/206 .411/.411 110
H39-0606 256/256 206/206 .411/.411 110
3.0L V6 exc. roller cam
Part# adv. Dur .050 dur. Valve lift lobe sep.
183-0202 252/252 202/202 .448/.448 110
183-0606 256/256 206/206 .448/.448 110
183-1010 260/260 210/210 .457/.457 110
We can regrind your roller cam to increase your performance.
4.0L V6 Roller cam
Part# adv. Dur .050 dur. Valve lift lobe sep.
144-0206 202/206 .496/.532 110
144-0610 206/210 .532/.532 111